di Ingegneria e Architettura
di Parma
Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A
Parma (Italy)
0521 905711
+39 0521 905798
Marco Locatelli
Born in Piacenza on January 10th, 1968
Got the Degree in
Science at the Università Statale di Milano
(July 16th, 1992)
the thesis with title "Algoritmi Bayesiani per
and getting the grade graduation 110/110 cum laude.
1992-November 1996: Attended the Ph.D. course
e Ricerca Operativa at the Università Statale di
Milano and got the Ph.D.
degree discussing the thesis with title
"Algoritmi di
1998 and July 1998: Got a fellowship
from the University of
Trier (Germany) joining the research group leaded by
Prof. Dr. R.Horst
1998-October 1999: Got a Post-Doc fellowship from
the Dipartimento di
Sistemi e Informatica, Università di Firenze
November 1999-March 2002:
Assistant professor by the Dipartimento di
Università di Torino
March 2002-October 2009:
Associate professor by the Dipartimento di Informatica,
Università di Torino
October 2009-October 2010:
Associate professor by the Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura,
Università di Parma
November 2010-current:
Full professor by the Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura,
Università di Parma
Member of the
editorial board of Computational
Optimization and Applications and of Journal of
Global Optimization Acted as a reviewer for many international journals
such as Mathematical
Programming, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Operations Research Letters, Computational
Optimization and Applications, Journal of Global Optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
Optimization Letters,
Logistics, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, IEEE
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Computers and Operations Research,
Journal of Applied Probability,
Operations Research, Numerical Optimization, Journal of Combinatorial
Optimization, INFORMS JOC, Optimization Methods and Software, Soft Computing.
Invited speaker at different international conferences. In particular, in the last years he has been invited at ICCOPT 2010 - Santiago (Chile), EUROPT 2013 - Firenze (Italy), VOCAL 2014 - Veszprem (Hungary).
Received the following awards:
- Winner (together with B.Addis and F.Schoen) of the Al Zimmermann's Programming Contest on Circle Packing problems
- Chairman's Recognition of Outstanding Paper at the "2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation" with the paper "A dynamical System Prospective on Evolutionary Heuristics Applied to Space Trajectory Optimization Problems" co-authored with M. Vasile and E. Minisci
- Co-winner of the 2016 best paper award in the Journal of Global Optimization with the paper
"Non polyhedral convex envelopes for 1-convex functions"
- Europt fellow 2018
His research
are mostly related to problems in Continuous Global Optimization.
He has investigated from the theoretical and/or experimental point of view the following topics:
Simulated annealing
algorithms for continuous global optimization
One-dimensional global
Concave optimization
over polytopes
Convex envelopes
Domain reductions
Standard quadratic problems
Complexity of global optimization problems
Packing problems
Molecular conformation
Space trajectory planning problems
Trajectory and velocity planning for autonomous vehicles
See also the Global Optimization Laboratory http://globopt.dsi.unifi.it/gol/ and the Aurora Lab http://aurora.ce.unipr.it/
(b) Papers published or accepted for publication in international journals
1. M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, "An adaptive stochastic global optimization algorithm for one-dimensional functions", Annals of Operations Research, 58, 263-278 (1995) 2. M.Locatelli, "Bayesian Algorithms for one-dimensional global optimization", Journal of Global Optimization, Vol.10, No. 1, 57-76 (1997) 3. M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, "Simple Linkage: analysis of a threshold-accepting global optimization method", Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 9, No.1, 95-111 (1996) 4. M.Locatelli, "Convergence properties of simulated annealing for continuous global optimization", Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 33, 1127-1140 (1996) 5. M. Duer, R. Horst, M. Locatelli, "Necessary and sufficient global optimization conditions for convex maximization revisited", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 217, 637-649 (1998) 6. M.Locatelli, "Relaxing the assumptions of the Multi Level Single Linkage algorithm", Journal of Global Optimization, 13, 25-42 (1998) 7. M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, "Random Linkage: a family of acceptance/rejection algorithms for global optimization", Mathematical Programming, 85(2), 379-396 (1999) 8. M.Locatelli, "Finiteness of conical algorithms with w-subdivisions", Mathematical Programming, 85(3), 593-616 (1999) 9. M.Locatelli, "Simulated annealing algorithms for continuous global optimization: convergence conditions", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 104, 121-133 (2000) 10. M.Locatelli, U.Raber, "On the convergence of the simplicial branch-and-bound algorithm based on w-subdivisions", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 107, 69-79 (2000) 11. M.Locatelli, U.Raber, "A finiteness result for the simplicial branch-and-bound algorithm based on w-subdivisions", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 107, 81-88 (2000) 12. M.Locatelli, "Convergence of a simulated annealing algorithm for continuous global optimization", Journal of Global Optimization, 18, 219-234 (2000) 13. M.Locatelli, N.V.Thoai, "Finite exact branch-and-bound algorithms for concave minimization over polytopes", Journal of Global Optimization, 18, 107-128 (2000) 14. M. Locatelli, "Convergence and first hitting time of simulated annealing algorithms for continuous global optimization", Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 54(2), 171-199 (2001) 15. M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, "Fast global optimization of difficult Lennard-Jones clusters", Computational Optimization and Applications, 21(1), 55-70 (2002) 16. M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, "Minimal interatomic distance of Morse clusters", Journal of Global Optimization, 22, 175-190 (2002) 17. M.Locatelli, U.Raber, "Packing equal circles into a square: a deterministic global optimization approach", Discrete Applied Mathematics, 122(1-3), 139-166 (2002) 18. M.Locatelli, "A note on the Griewank test function", Journal of Global Optimization, 25, 169-174 (2003) 19. P.Fosser, R.Glantz, M.Locatelli, M.Pelillo, "Swap strategies for graph matching", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2726, 142-153 (2003) 20. M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, "Efficient algorithms for large scale global optimization: Lennard-Jones clusters", Computational Optimization and Applications, 26 (2): 173-190 (2003) 21. I.M. Bomze, M. Locatelli, "Undominated d.c. decompositions of quadratic functions and applications to branch-and-bound approaches", Computational Optimization and Applications, 28(2): 227-245 (2004) 22. M.Locatelli, I.Bomze, M.Pelillo, "The combinatorics of pivoting for the maximum weight clique", Operations Research Letters, 32(6), 523-529 (2004) 23. A.Grosso, M.Locatelli, F.Della Croce, "Combining swaps and nodes weighting in an adaptive greedy approach for the maximum clique problem", Journal of Heuristics, 10(2), 135-152 (2004) 24. M. Locatelli, G.R. Wood, "Objective Function Features Providing Barriers to Rapid Global Optimization", Journal of Global Optimization, 31, 549-565 (2005) 25. J.P.K. Doye, R. Leary, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, "The global optimization of Morse clusters by potential transformations", INFORMS Journal on Computing, 16(4), 371-379 (2004) 26. M.Locatelli, "On the multilevel structure of global optimization problems", Computational Optimization and Applications, 30, 5-22 (2005) 27. B.Addis, M. Locatelli, F.Schoen, Local optima smoothing for global optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, 20, 417-437 (2005) 28. A.Grosso, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen , A population based approach for hard global optimization problems based on dissimilarity measures, Mathematical Programming, 110, 373-404 (2007) 29. G.Carello, F.Della Croce, A.Grosso, M.Locatelli, A "maximum node clustering" problem, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 11(4), 373-385 (2006) 30. A.Grosso, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, An experimental analysis of a population based approach for global optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 38(3), 351-370 (2007) 31. M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, Structure prediction and global optimization, Optima (Mathematical Programming Society Newsletter), 76, 1-8 (2008) 32. B.Addis, M.Locatelli, A new class of test functions for global optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 38(3), 479-501 (2007) 33. I.M. Bomze, M.Locatelli, F.Tardella, New and old bounds for standard quadratic optimization: dominance, equivalence and incomparability, Mathematical Programming, 115 (1), 31-64 (2008) 34. B.Addis, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, Efficiently packing unequal disks in a circle: a computational approach which exploits the continuous and combinatorial structure of the problem, Operations Research Letters, 36 (1), 37-42 (2008) 35. A.Grosso, M.Locatelli, W.Pullan, Randomness, plateau search, penalties, restart rules : simple ingredients leading to very efficient heuristics for the Maximum Clique Problem, Journal of Heuristics, 14(6), 587-612 (2008) 36. A.Grosso, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, Solving molecular distance geometry problems by global optimization algorithms, Computational Optimization and Applications, 43(1), 23-38 (2009) 37. D. Depetrini, M.Locatelli, A FPTAS for a class of Linear Multiplicative problems, Computational Optimization and Applications, 44, 275-288 (2009) 38. B.Addis, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, Disk packing in a square: a new global optimization approach, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20(4), 516-524 (2008) 39. M.Locatelli, Complexity results for some global optimization problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 140(1), 93-102 (2009) 40. M.Vasile, M. Locatelli, A hybrid multiagent approach for global trajectory optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 44, 461-479 (2009) 41. A. Cassioli, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, Dissimilarity Measures for Population-Based Global Optimization Algorithms, Computational Optimization and Applications, 45, 257-281 (2010) 42. A. Grosso, A. Jamali, M.Locatelli, Finding Maximin Latin Hypercube Designs by Iterated Local Search Heuristics, European Journal of Operations Research, 197(2), 541-547 (2009) 43. F. Della Croce, A.Grosso, M.Locatelli, A heuristic approach for the Max-Min Diversity Problem based on Max Clique, Computers & Operations Research, 36(8), 2429-2433 (2009) 44. A. Cassioli, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, Global Optimization of Binary Lennard-Jones Clusters, Optimization Methods and Software, 24, 819-835 (2009) 45. A.Caprara, M.Locatelli, Global optimization problems and domain reduction strategies, Mathematical Programming, 125, 123-137 (2010) 46. I.M. Bomze, F.Frommlet, M.Locatelli, Copositive cuts for improving SDP bounds on the Mathematical Programming, 124, 13-32 (2010) 47. I.M. Bomze, F.Frommlet, M.Locatelli, Gap, cosum, and product properties of the theta′ bound on the clique number, Optimization, 59, 1041-1051 (2010) 48. B. Addis, A. Cassioli, M. Locatelli, F.Schoen, Global optimization for space trajectories design, Computational Optimization and Applications, 48, 635-652 (2011) 49. D. Depetrini, M.Locatelli, Approximation of linear fracional/multiplicative problems, Mathematical Programming, 128, 437-433 (2011) 50. A. Grosso, A. Jamali, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, Solving the problem of packing equal and unequal circles in a circular container, Journal of Global Optimization, 47, 63-81 (2010) 51. M. Vasile, E. Minisci, M.Locatelli, Analysis of some Global Optimization Algorithms for Space Trajectory Design, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 47, 334-344 (2010) 52. M. Vasile, E. Minisci, M.Locatelli , An Inflationary Differential Evolution Algorithm for Space Trajectory Optimization , IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15, 267-281 (2011) 53. A. Cassioli, D. Di Lorenzo, M.Locatelli, F.Schoen, M.Sciandrone, Machine learning for global optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 279-303 (2012) 54. A. Cassioli, M. Locatelli, A heuristic approach for packing identical rectangles in convex regions, Computers & Operations Research, 38, 1342-1350 (2011) 55. M. Di Summa, A. Grosso, M. Locatelli, Complexity of the critical node problem over trees, Computers & Operations Research, 38, 1766-1774 (2011) 56. M. Locatelli, F. Schoen, On the relation between concavity cuts and the surrogate dual for convex maximization problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 52, 411-421 (2012) 57. I.M. Bomze, M. Locatelli, Separable standard quadratic optimization problems, Optimization Letters, 6, 857-866 (2012) 58. M. Locatelli, F. Schoen, Local search based heuristics for global optimization: Atomic clusters and beyond, European Journal of Operations Research, 222, 1-9 (2012) 59. M. Di Summa, A. Grosso, M. Locatelli, Branch and cut algorithms for detecting critical nodes in undirected graphs, Computational Optimization and Applications, 53, 649-680 (2012) 60. M. Locatelli, Approximation algorithms for a class of global optimization problems, Journal of Global Optimization, 55, 13-25 (2013) 61. A. Cassioli, L. Consolini, M. Locatelli, and A. Longo. Optimization and homotopy methods for the gibbs free energy of simple magmatic mixtures, Computational Optimization and Applications, 55, 427-457 (2013) 62. M. Locatelli, F. Schoen, On convex envelopes for bivariate functions over polytopes, Mathematical Programming, 144 (1-2), 65-91(2014) 63. F. Canali, C. Guarino Lo Bianco, M. Locatelli, Minimum-jerk online planning by a mathematical programming approach, Engineering Optimization, 46, 763-783 (2014) 64. M. Locatelli, Computing the value of the convex envelope of quadratic forms over polytopes through a semidefinite program, Operations Research Letters, 41, 370-372 (2013) 65. M. Locatelli, F. Schoen, Global optimization and local searches, 4OR, 11, 301-321 (2013) 66. M. Locatelli, Alternative branching rules for some nonconvex problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 30(2), 365-378 (2015) 67. M.Locatelli, M. Maischberger, F.Schoen, Differential Evolution methods based on local searches, Computers and Operations Research, 43, 169-180 (2014) 68. M. Locatelli, A technique to derive the functional form of convex envelopes for some bivariate functions, Journal of Global Optimization, 59 (2-3), 477-501 (2014) 69. M. Locatelli, Improving upper bounds for the clique number by non-valid inequalities, Mathematical Programming, 150, 512-525 (2015) 70. M. Locatelli, Some results for quadratic problems with one or two quadratic constraints, Operations Research Letters, 43(2), 126-131 (2015) 71. M. Locatelli, M. Vasile, (Non) Convergence results for the differential evolution method, Optimization Letters, 9(3), 413-425 (2015) 72. M. Locatelli, Convex envelopes of some quadratic functions over the n-dimensional unit simplex, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25(1), 589-621 (2015) 73. A. Caprara, M.Locatelli, M.Monaci, Theoretical and computational results about optimality-based domain reductions, Computational Optimization and Applications 64, 1-21(2016) 74. M.Locatelli, Exactness conditions for an SDP relaxation of the extended trust region problem, Optimization Letters, 10, 1141-1151 (2016) 75. M. Locatelli, Non polyhedral convex envelopes for 1-convex functions, Journal of Global Optimization 65, 637-655 (2016) 76. F. Cabassi, M.Locatelli, Computational investigation of simple memetic approaches for continuous global optimization, Computers and Operations Research, 72, 50-70 (2016) 77. F. Ghilardelli, C. Guarino Lo Bianco, M. Locatelli, Smart Changes of the End-Effector Orientation for the Automatic Handling of Singular Configurations, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 21, 2154-2164 (2016) 78. M. Locatelli, Polyhedral subdivisions and functional forms for the convex envelopes of bilinear, fractional and other bivariate functions over general polytopes, Journal of Global Optimization, 66, 629-668 (2016) 79. Consolini, L., Locatelli, M. , On the complexity of quadratic programming with two quadratic constraints, Mathematical Programming, 164(1-2), 91-128 (2017) 80. Consolini, L., Locatelli,M., Minari, A., Piazzi, A., An optimal complexity algorithm for minimum-time velocity planning, Systems and Control Letters, 103, 50-57 (2017) 81. Locatelli, M., Luo Z.-Q., On the complexity of optimal power allocation in a multi-Tone multiuser communication system, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 63(10), 6622-6627 (2017) 82. Liuzzi, G., Locatelli, M., Piccialli, V., A new branch-and-bound algorithm for standard quadratic programming problems, Optimization Methods and Software, to appear 83. Cabassi, F., Consolini, L., Locatelli, M., Time-optimal velocity planning by a bound-tightening technique, Computational Optimization and Applications, 70(1), 61-90 (2018) 84. Locatelli, M., Convex envelopes of bivariate functions through the solution of KKT systems, Journal of Global Optimization, 72(2), 277-303 (2018) 85. Locatelli M., Convex envelopes of separable functions over regions defined by separable functions of the same type, Optimization Letters, to appearhome
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