Computer Engineering Paper Alberto Broggi, Vincenzo D'Andrea, and Francesco Gregoretti, A low-cost parallel VLSI architecture for low-level vision, In Mikio Takagi, editor, MVA'92 - IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision and Applications, pages 11-15, Tokyo, Japan, 1992. International Association for Pattern Recognition, IAPR,
Electronic version currently not available


In this work a massively parallel VLSI architecture is discussed: PAPRICA, a mesh connected machine that can also simulate a pyramidal architecture. Its computational paradigm is based on the matching operator as defined in mathematical morphology. This description is equivalent to the Cellular Automata paradigm, which can simplify the design of PAPRICA applications in low-level vision. PAPRICA is currently simulated on a Unix workstation connected to a Connection Machine CM-2, while the hardware is under testing.

For more information send email to broggi@CE.UniPR.IT