Computer Engineering Paper
Massimo Bertozzi, Alberto Broggi, Gianni Conte, and Alessandra Fascioli, Vision-based Automated
Vehicle Guidance: the experience of the ARGO vehicle, In IAPRVA
- Tecniche di Intelligenza Artificiale e Pattern Recognition per la Visione
Artificiale, pages 35-40, April 6-7 1998,
the paper in compressed PostScript
This paper presents and discusses
the results obtained by the GOLD (Generic Obstacle
and Lane Detection) system as an automatic driver of ARGO.
ARGO is a Lancia Thema passenger car equipped with a computer vision
system that allows to extract road and environmental
information from the acquired scene;
it has been demonstrated to drive autonomously on a number of
different road and environmental conditions.
For more information send email to broggi@CE.UniPR.IT