Massimo Bertozzi Dott. Massimo Bertozzi, PhD

Dip. Ing. Informazione
Università degli Studi di Parma
I-43100 Parma

Tel.: +390521905845
FAX: +390521905723

Massimo Bertozzi was born in Parma in 1966. In 1994 he received the Dr.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Parma discussing a Master Thesis about the implementation of Simulation of Petri Nets on the CM-2 Massive Parallel Architecture.

From November 1994 to October 1997 he was a PhD student in information technology at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione of the Università di Parma where he chaired the local IEEE student branch. Since November 1997 he has held a permanent position and he is now associate professor at the Department of Engineering and architecture..

His research interests mainly focus on the application of image processing to real-time systems and specifically to autonomous driving, on the optimization of machine code at assembly level, and on parallel and distributed computing, use of CNN for autonomous driving and industrial inspection.

He has been involved in different research projects, as examples:

In 2009 he was one of the founder of the VisLab srl that in 2015 was acquired by Silicon Valley company Ambarella Inc..

From 2015 until 2020 he worked at VisLab on the development of SW and System Integration for the Ambarella CVflow® chip architecture.

Since 2020 he is also focusing his research interests to CNN in cooperation within the IMP Lab research group.